Wednesday, February 2, 2011

suprise yg x jd,,, huhu

huhu,, ni cite smlm,, hehe
smlm g date ngn incik usin,,,
da la bgn lmbt,, haha,,
actualy ak ad wat kek,,
so, konon nk bg suprise la,,
jmpe die bwk kek,,
kek tu ak decorate cket2 je
bese2 je,,,
gune choclate rice yg bntuk star,,
 then  ak buat la jd bntuk lurve, n huruf u,,,, topping die ak gune choclate,,
then ak ad grate choc cket...
so,, ak g naek bus,, almaklum la,, bus tailye ni cm roler coaster,,, huhu,,
bile da jmpe die,, x tros tgk pon kek  tu,, die pon ckp , jp ag la bru tgk ape yg ak bwk tu,,
die x taw pon ak bwk kek sbnarnye,,, huhu,,,
then,,, ak pon kate ok je,, sbb ak pon da lapar,,, x hengat plak cuaca ari tu panas giler,,,
after da mam kt mcd n jln2 kt dp n mp,,
 ktorg pon g lepak tmpat bese,,,
kt c2 pon mule die x mo tgk,, tp ak da gtaw tu kek,, so ak kate,,, bwk blek uma je la kalo kenyang ag,, then die kate ok,,,
tp ak cm x puas ati,,
ak tnye la,,, xmo tgk ke kek  tu dlu,,
ak pon g amek,,
 then bkak,,,

tgk,,, da jdik corak ape,,,,
hampess,,, hiihihi,,,
lurve ntah ke mane,,
grated choc pon da tenggelam,,
topping pon cair,,,
pehh,,, giler sdey ak,,,

moral of the story: sile jgn bawak kek bile naek bus tai lye,,,, hahah

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ape kate korg?? (^^)